Top 20 Coffee Accessories in the UK
Thanks for taking your time to read our reviews of the many coffee accessories that are available on the UK market.
If you enjoy drinking coffee, then there are in interesting range of useful coffee accessories and gadgets available on the UK marketplace. One or more of those accessories just might take your fancy.
We have pulled together an interesting list of 20 accessories which we happen to think make great gifts for any coffee lover.
Coffee Tampers, Mats and Knock Boxes
Coffee Tampers
Tampers are used to compress or flatten the coffee. The important thing is that they should do this evenly to ensure a smooth consistency in the coffee grounds.
When it comes to buying a better quality one the only real thing that you need to check is if the tamper will fit into the filter. After that it is just a matter of personal choice and style
These cost between £10-20 depending on which brand and style you prefer. There are a lot of options for these and are made by a wide range of brands.
You can click on the button below to read everything you need to know about they types of coffee tamper available, and how to use them.
96% buyer satisfaction based on 2,500 online buyer reviews
Tamper Mats
Tamper mats are useful simply to help keep things clean, especially if you are grinding your own coffee.
When you are using coffee grounds, knock boxes and measuring spoons, then things can get quite messy.
A tamper mat helps keep those grounds under control, and also gives you somewhere to tap your portafilter without damaging the work surface.
These are affordable and really useful to own.
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Knock Boxes
You have made your coffee and hopefully really enjoyed it. Now you have the grounds compacted right inside the portafilter.
Most people will knock those out into a recycle bin along with the other kitchen waste.
A knock box can sit beside your coffee machine, and it has a built-in roller where you can safely tap the portafilter to empty it.
You can then use those used grounds in the garden to improve the soil, or simply to recycle.
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Milk Frothing Accessories
Milk Frothing Jugs
With many of the modern machines you get various milk frothing and steam options to help you make a variety of coffees.
Not all machines have those features and is that is the case, then a milk frothing jug is essential when making certain types of coffee such as latte or cappuccino or for drinks such as hot chocolate.
Ideally these should be used along with a thermometer so as you can easily read the perfect temperature.
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Milk Frothers
Along with some form of jug you will also need some type of milk frother.
These are available as either a manual whisk style option or as an easier less physical effort electrical frother.
Most people prefer the speed of the electrical option. These are not expensive and they work extremely well.
They are good for frothing up froth up lattes, mochas and milkshakes.
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Milk Frothing Thermometers
If you like getting your milk and coffee temperature spot on, then one way to be certain is to use a thermometer designed to do just that job.
A milk thermometer makes it easy to steam milk to the ideal temperature for smooth, frothy coffee.
The better ones will have a temperature range of -10°C to 100°C/0°F to 220°F
The ideal temperature range for making smooth frothed milk is between 65 and 70 degrees Celsius (149 and 158 degrees Fahrenheit). This means there’s no risk of scalding the milk and ruining the foam.
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Coffee Art
Chocolate Shakers for Your Favourite Coffee Drink
Coffee shakers are the best option for drinks such as a cappuccino. They usually come in small sets with a couple of jugs and some stencils.
These allow you to create different patterns on top of your coffee.
You do need to be careful when buying these shakers as they need to be made from food grade metal.
Usually you get a couple of shakers of slightly different sizes. The tops of the shakers will be different sizes and will have slightly different hole sizes as well. That allows you some creativity in your designs.
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Chocolate Stencils
There's lots of varieties of these available on the UK market from quite a few brands
Your ultimate choice will be of course the type of patterns you want to create.
The better ones are made from stainless steel and they will last longer and be easier to clean - the downside is these are slightly more expensive than the cheaper plastic options
You will also find many seasonal options for these such as Christmas, Halloween etc
86% buyer satisfaction based on 120 online buyer reviews
Latte Glasses
Many homes will have a set of latte glass coffee cups and that is of course the best way to serve any latte.
They look great for presentation and also help keep the drink at the correct temperature for longer.
The better quality glasses will be made from toughened glass which helps avoid breakage.
You can buy these in slightly different sizes depending on your exact needs and preferences
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Coffee Sets
When it comes to coffee gift sets there are many choices to be had in the UK
Most people buy these for friends or family as a gift set and it is the perfect opportunity to buy them something different
For example the gift shown to the right is a small selection of high end gourmet coffees
However you can also buy other sets like mugs, small hampers, syrups etc so there will always be something available
94% buyer satisfaction based on 2,500+ online buyer reviews
Coffee Storage
Coffee Caddy and Condiments
Caddies are essentially organisers for help with keeping various coffee bits and pieces a bit more neat and tidy
Like many accessories these do come in various styles such as the one shown to the right which can hold sugar, cups, stirrers, napkins etc
You can also get just standard caddies for holding coffee grains, storage canisters, and sets of coffee tins
The good news is that there are lots of choices and you have plenty of basic choices and a few unusual ones
88% buyer satisfaction based on 250+ online buyer reviews
Coffee Capsule/Pod Holders
These are made for anyone who has a coffee pod or coffee capsule machine and is used to store those pods or capsules
These are made by companies such as Bosch Tassimo, Nespresso, Dolce Gusto etc
The purpose of this holder is of course to allow you to neatly store your different type of capsules so as you can easily see what types you have.
It is easier and better looking than to have the pods inside a box
It also helps you to quickly see when you are running low on any particular type
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Coffee Bag Sealers
This is a good cheap and novel gift for almost any coffee lover
It is a lovely coffee measuring spoon made of beech wood
This also doubles up as a clip to help keep the grains inside your coffee bag nice and fresh they way they should be
It is also handy for loose tea bags as well
The spoon measures out 7 grams which is the perfect amount for a single shot of espresso
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Measuring Coffee
Coffee Measuring Spoons
The true coffee connoisseur will always want to own one of these
Those of us who know how important it is to use the right amount of coffee grains would not be without a good quality measuring spoon
The one shown to the right from the Melitta brand is one of the best on the market and also a huge best seller online
This spoon has 8, 10 or 12 g cup markings and can be washed in the dishwasher
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Coffee Weighing Scales
Similar to the measuring spoons some people prefer to use the higher accuracy of a set of coffee weighing scales
These can also respond quickly and accurately and will register weight changes instantly while pouring water or powder
Most of these come with a built-in timer to cook and time your coffee to ensure the consistency of each cup of coffee
Some of them will come with accessories such as a mat
88% buyer satisfaction based on 500+ online buyer reviews
Coffee Scoops
The coffee scoop is very similar to the coffee spoon but they are available in different materials such as the one shown to the right which is made of stainless steel
Other types can come in chrome, wood or even brass if you want to match to the design of your kitchen
They have slightly longer handles than normal scoops and you can buy them in different sizes
96% buyer satisfaction based on 600+ online buyer reviews
Other Coffee Accessories
Coffee Tables
Coffee tables as you can imagine come in all shapes and sizes and they are most commonly used in living rooms and in conservatories
They are used for varying purposes and the range of designs is huge and always down to your personal preferences
The one to the right is a very popular choice online and is made from solid pine which has been beautifully waxed for an excellent finish
This table is also affordable and can also be used in hallways
92% buyer satisfaction based on 3,500+ online buyer reviews
Plaques & Posters
If you want something coffee related to put on your wall, then there are a number of choices available
These range from the wall type decorations shown to the right which lights up, all the way to simple "Retro" style plaques
Alternatively there are a number of framed posters available if you want something that is slightly more subtle
You can also pick up old style coffee tins and signs that you can personalise if you so wish
86% buyer satisfaction based on 400+ online buyer reviews
Coffee Mug Warmers
This type of warmer is not only good for coffee, but also for tea, soup, baby food and much more
The better ones like the one to the right have a range of features and are powered by plugging them into the main's electricity
There are USB versions of this type of warmer but they get mixed reviews so better to stick to something with a more reliable power source
These are very useful for keeping your coffee warm and super easy to use
88% buyer satisfaction based on 400+ online buyer reviews
Coffee Grinder Cleaning Brushes
If you own a coffee grinder then you will know all about trying to clean it out
Grains will get stuck in the blades or burrs of the grinder and a brush like this is really useful to help get them out
The better ones have fibre brushes with wooden handles and that is because wood makes the handle comfortable and fibre means the hairs on the brush last for a very long time
These really help speed up the coffee grinder cleaning process.
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